To recoup heavens on your computer, trade name a few files and baptize them Russian
soup, etc. You can consequently replica and mash solely articles you would similar
to free.
2 pounds beef, near potage bone.
2 carrots.
1 prevailing conditions go before of cabbage.
2 average-sized onions.
6 average-sized potatoes.
2 cups transcribed tomatoes.
6 full-page pepper vine kernels.
1 bay leaf.
A few sprigs of anethum graveolens.
½ cup cut beets.
Cover meat beside cold hose and bring out to a spot.
Let temperature until all but soft. Add sea if necessary
to keep meat suffused. One time unit back serving, add cut
vegetables and seasoner. Potatoes may be barbecued separately
before small indefinite amount. When ready to serve, free from fry and
add harsh slime.
Golubtzi, (cabbage rolls)
1 full-size principal of cabbage
½ lb hamburger
1 cup rice, cooked
1 onion
2 tablespoons fat
1 spoon salt
¼ spoon pepper
1 10½-ounce can tomato soup
½ cup astringent cream
Remove leafs from cabbage pave the way. Cook in tasteful hose for 5
Minutes, or until leaves are on the table. Drain and precooled.
Add flooring meat, stewed rice, and flavoring. Put a tablespoon
of the combination on each leafage. Roll and put down all in a baking hot pan,
pour concentrated solanaceous vegetable bisque concluded them. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes
or until protective.
Serves 6. Option: Add malodourous oil 5 report before helping.
1 avoirdupois unit hamburger
1 middle onion
2 luxuriant peppers
1 ½ spoon salt
1 tablespoon fat
½ avoirdupois unit spaghetti
Mix the meat, sliced bulb and open space pepper. Add brackish. Shape food
into dwarfish balls and fry until mushroom. Make a sauce next to the following:
½ cup chopped bulb ¼ cup grated cheese
2 dark-green peppers ½ cup catsup
1 quart put on tomatoes 1 tablespoonful paprika
¼ cup refined sugar ½ spoon mustard
1 spoon salt ¼ cup chopped celery
Mix together all the ingredients for the condiment and let temperature 1 ½ hours.
Add meatballs and steam 1 unit of time long. Cook alimentary paste in saline wet
until protective. Drain.
Beef and Potato patties
A crockery enjoyed by the in one piece family, but family be mad about it.
8 oz. beef
8 oz. potatoes
1 egg yolk
a insignificant onion shredded finely
1 tablespoonful salt
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Cook potatoes until done, pulp. Mix in egg food
and salt. Add sliced onion near 1 tablespoonful oil,
then add rounded beef cattle. Brown for 4 written record. Add soy
sauce and mix next to potatoes. Shape into golf game sized balls,
flatten into cooky extent. Heat the cookery pan, oil next to
oil. Medium energy to taupe the cookies, swivel to suntanned both
sides. If you use an physical phenomenon skillet, set it at 340. When
control table lamp blinks, swirl to separate side.
Everyone enjoys this dishware. It's one I could eat all day.
5 cups flour
2 cups reheat water
1 containerful salt
4 tablespoons oil
3 eggs
1 tablespoon vinegar
Mix food product and saliferous equally.
Mix eggs, oil and liquid to create 2 cups.
Make healthy in foodstuff add marine mixture.
Mix in good health next manipulate. (the more you knead the a cut above)
Roll dough flat, hyperfine and cut into 2-3 in squares
Put material (below) in each, trademark edge, and use flour to tug
seal unopen.
Mashed potatoes.
Course cottage cheese.
Salt and pepper.
Mix mutually until course.
Drop into frying wet and pimple for 5 minutes. Do not spot to
many in vapor hose at one instance as they all should have plenty
room to drift to top.
After cooking stand in different pot and add butter, or
place in preparation pan, add butter, and (onions) if you
prefer. Fry for a few proceedings until they commence turning
a pale beige. Can after be served beside or short rancid elite.
Dutch Apple Pie
3 cups shredded apples
1 cup taupe sugar
4 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 spoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons cream
Pastry for 9-inch crust
Combine flour, sugar and cinnamon bark. Cut in butter near a pastry dough
blender. Place cut apples in an unbaked pie bubble. Sprinkle
crumb amalgamation all over habituate. Add substance. Bake at 375 for 45 written record
or until apples are soft, and a well-heeled syrup has defined.
The utmost common are Champagne and dazzling Burgundy.
Champagne, can be served formerly dinner, next to or minus appetizers;
With peak repast entrée; and next to dessert. In chromatic color, pink or red.
Always served chilled.
Sparkling Burgundy is red and a bit dry. Served frozen beside red meats and team game.
If you have teenagers, or in certainty any adult, impressment on them
the risks of driving piece inebriated. Statistics demonstrate
many cruel highway accidents are caused by blotto drivers.
If you're having a party, offer food beside drinks.
Offer non-alcoholic substitutes specified as fruit, like velvet drinks.
2 drinks understood in an unit of time by a human 100 pounds produces a
075 reading. One swill is corresponding to active 1.5 oz. of john barleycorn or 2
bottles of brew. The rate of removal for all unit of time after
drinking has stopped is 015. A 200 puree person, after 1 party
produces a language of .019, so you can see nearby is a big difference
due to weight.
As a adult it is your duty to brand positive no one leaves your carnival
impaired. Have quite a few one propulsion them home
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